Yesterday we had another battle in the Hinton Hut. Matt G
(Waterloo to Mons) flew in from darkest Essex, Nigel made an early morning
drive up from Cumbria and Tony (Prometheus in Aspic) sortied across the Forth having collected Matt
en route from Edinburgh – an excellent bit of logistics from all concerned.
This was the biggest game I have yet staged in the Hut
having reconfigured my table to 8’ x 4’ specially for the occasion and laid out
approximately 1,000 figures. Each general took control of half their respective
army. Tony (Napoleon) had the French right, Nigel (Mack) the Franco-Austrians on
his left. Matt (Wellington) took the right side of the Allied army whilst I
(Blucher) had the left.
The initial setup of the armies - Allies on the left, Franco-Austrians on the right. The 8' x 4' table is running longways in the cabin and there was still a surprising amount of space for the four players. |
This is the map I used for the initial deployments, the resolution of this image isn't great but you can get the gist from it. |
I pre-deployed all the troops before the game but each player
was allowed to make three changes to their dispositions in
advance as below:
1. Swap the locations of 2 units (e.g. “swap the position of the 45th
Foot with the 25th Foot”)
2. Advance an infantry/cavalry/artillery unit
8” directly forward.
3. Change the formation of an infantry unit (e.g. from line to
Victory Conditions - at the end of turn eight VP’s were to be calculated as
6 VP for possession of an objective (red stars on the map)
2 VP for each
enemy infantry or cavalry unit removed from play or currently routing
2 VP for
each enemy general KIA
1 VP for each enemy infantry or cavalry unit currently
1 VP for each enemy flag/eagle captured (cavalry capture a flag/eagle
from infantry that they rout on a die roll of 4,5 or6)
1 VP for each enemy
artillery battery destroyed
1 VP for each enemy skirmisher group destroyed
In the
event of a draw the side who managed to use the most quotes (in context)
from the film Waterloo were the winners!
Allied left (Prussians). As you can see I chose to push forward a couple on infantry units towards the VP objective on the hill. |
French right. Tony has advanced his skirmishers towards the hill. |
Allied right (Wellington). Matt made the smart decision to advance two of his units towards the church VP location. |
French left (Franco-Austrians). Nigel has advanced infantry and a gun towards the VP location to his front. |
It was only when we started to play that I discovered my
admin error having made a copy and paste mistake that resulted in Nigel’s Toskana
Dragoons being given an A+ rating (rather then the intended B rating). This was
to have dire consequences for Wellington but more on that in the next post.
Your "old school" miniatures and your clean "old fashon" terrain are, as always, candy for the eyes.
Merci mon ami!
That is a way impressive array of lead. Having similarly run my biggest ever game I know it takes quite a bit of work I hope after all this you were on the winning side - was there a turn limit?.
I hadn't realised the Toscanas should have been a B - I feel really bad about it now...
It was obviously their Regimental Day!
Great day all round - thanks again - I look forward to the next instalment.
Rob, I always set an 8 turn limit as this has proved to be a realistic target on a game day. As for the winning side you’ll have to wait for the next instalment!
Tony, glad you’re feeling bad about it - I guarantee the Toscanas will never be rated higher than a B again!
Very nice IAN - you've done a lot of work to get your Napolionic Hinton figures up to this stage...the set up looks super. Cheers. KEV.
Thanks Kev, even I was surprised at the number of figures when I put them all on the table!
I can't wait to see what the Kasierlichs do against those insufferable redcoats.
What a delightful, wonderful, fantastic sight Ian! Tony had told me in an email that he'd joined you for a game recently, so I have been on the lookout for this. Looking forward to the description of events.
We will all keep a special eye out for the Toscana dragoons now! On spec., the idea of a unit 'punching above it's weight' is not a bad one for mine.
Regards, James
p.s. I have forgotten to mention in the past, really like the name of your new room too!
WM - you may not be able to wait but it is a sorry tale as far as the allies were concerned!
Thanks James, it was Goya (Charles) who first referred to the cabin as a hut so the jump to Hinton Hut was pretty straight forward.
Nice looking game and seriously big units.
It reminds me though that I really need to tidy my wargames room
fantastic sight that!
Thanks Stu, actually all the rubbish is piled up out of view of the camera!
Lee, yes it was good to get so may figures out of their storage boxes and on to the table.
'Twas a truly fantastic day.
I can only again congratulate you on your fantastic collection and thank you all for your excellent company and movie (mis)quotes.
Although I am still sulking about the typo!
Thanks Matt - we was robbed!
I believe that Wellington has sacked his secretary...
Well that looks absolutely splendid Ian…
Jealous…. Me?
All the best. Aly
Cheers Aly!
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