According to the napoleonistyka website General de Ligne wrote: "You should not tell a recruit: 'I will make you into a jager !' You must instead take them from the forests. They know how to perch on a rock, how to conceal themselves in one of those fissures which open in the ground after a great drought, or hide behind a mighty oak. They make their way slowly and softly, so as not to make any sound, and in such a way they can creep up on a post and take it by surprise, or shoot down the enemy generals.
Sound like a very good unit to have on your side. All I need to do now is re-base these lads to my new light infantry system.
Coming up splendidly, Ian! Your Tyroleans have got to be one of my favourites.
I see that you have new recruits for your combined Voltigeurs too.
They look very good - very good indeed. I see the shadowy figure of Eugene skulking in the background - the Jaegers will have no trouble spotting him when he is in his full glory again!
Cracking little figures-I do have a soft spot for Austrian Napoleonic armies and these guys certainly look the part.
Ian while I am impressed by your jagers I am also interested in the assortment of paints in the background. Have you posted before about the paints you use? If not, would you consider doing so ?
Also I always wanted a unit of Austrians with Girandoni repeating air rifles!
Love that air guitar advancing position. Weren't they generally distibuted in companies to support divisions?
Perhaps M&M should give them an advantage in woods to simulate their 'creepin' up' abilities.
Thanks for all the comments!
WM - yes, those are some extra grenadier figures to be painted as Voltigeurs to make up the existing unit to 24.
Tony - I hope my Jagers won't stoop so low as to take a shot at Eugene!
Lovely Ian and a prefect match to those already painted. The slightly shiny finish is just what I'm looking for on the Hinchiffes, could you tell me what you use please?
Lovely figures, your Austrian force is taking shape.
Dashing and full of panache!
Best Regards,
Lee - I'm using Humbrol 'Clear' gloss varnish. It is a water based varnish that is very thin and therefore has to be applied in several coats. Three coats will give a decent gloss but it's worth experimenting to get the kind of finish you want.
Splendid fellows. I particularly like the hornist. I have certainly found these chaps useful on the battlefield, although mine have not yet shot Eugene....
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