
Friday 14 April 2023

More French Infantry

During my recent reappraisal of this project, I realised that, believe it or not, I don’t have enough French infantry units painted. Now I know ‘enough’ is a bit of a moot point for wargamers but I’m basing my requirement on the French army I need to balance either the Anglo-Allied-Prussian forces or the Austro-Russian-Swedish-Prussian forces. Whichever way I look at it I’m shy of about three French infantry units.

So, I have begun work on another unit using the FN/5 Fusilier (charging) figure but for a bit of variation I will be painting these as Light Infantry. As far as I can see by 1815 there was no difference between the employment or organisation of Light Infantry and Line Infantry. However, the difference in uniform is a help for me when trying to tell one unit from another on the table where they’re made up of the same figure type.

To be honest when I’ve brought the French side up to strength I will have about as many troops as I can use on my maximum 8’ x 4’ table but of course that won’t stop me painting more.


  1. You can never have enough, just ask Napoleon at Waterloo.

  2. I like the cut of your men, Stryker.

  3. Tony, I don’t know what they do to the enemy but by God they frighten me!

  4. A quality work in particular concerning the pointed facings specific to the light infantry.

    By enlarging the photo, it seems to me that a point of blue is missing in the center of the roundel. The white roundel corresponds to the Royal Army of Louis XVIIII, the white cockade with amaranth center was that of the troops of the island of Elba.

    The British cockade is obviously easier to paint.

  5. FF - Glad you like them. I have always painted the French cockade in this stylised way as there is a limit to my abilities with the brush. It's always a bit of a toss up between detail and practicality for me!

  6. I understand. Perhaps you could try making the center of the cockade with a blue permanent marker. The marker is circular and shiny, but this is not a problem for you since your miniatures are varnished.

  7. Good to see some of your FN5 mountain making an entrance. Does this unit of legere have a number yet?

  8. Nigel, I was thinking of keeping it simple and go with the 1st but we’ll see!

  9. Looking very smart indeed.

    I am looking forward to the day (which will never come) when I "just need three more units"!

  10. Thanks Matt, we must have something for the British to shoot at!

  11. These look exceptionally sharp. Part of your Neville Dickinson acquisition? Whatever the case, they paint up beautifully.

    Assuming this is to be an all-chasseur light battalion, are there any plans for all-carabinier and/or voltigeur unit to go with them?

    All the best

  12. WM - yes these are part of the ex-Neville Dickinson haul and are lovely castings. No further plans at present but of course that can change!
