
Thursday 6 April 2023

Guard Cavalry Review

With the upgrade to the Guard Lancers finished my Imperial Guard cavalry contingent is complete. Yes, I did say COMPLETE unless of course I ever find enough Chasseur-a-Cheval to make up a full unit.

Another boyhood dream ticked off the list.


  1. That is one powerful mass of cavalry, I can see you mean business.
    What do your Guard chasseurs look like and how many do you need?
    I might have one or two, or how about a couple of Mamelukes to mix in?

  2. Rob, yes quite a steamroller! I have some 2-piece Guard Chasseurs and OPC DK ones but am a few short of the required 12. I like the idea of mixing in some Mamelukes as that would make for a very colourful unit but on the other hand do I really need more Guard cavalry?

  3. A fantastic review of Napoleonic cavalry eye candy, very iconic 1970's looking.
    nostalgia at its best.


  4. Beautifully done! Every mm the elite, Guard cavalry.

  5. Thanks Willz, they have been quite a few years in the making but I’m pleased with the final result!

  6. Thanks Ross - there’s just a certain something about French Guard cavalry!

  7. Yes you do! When more of our boxes are unpacked I should be in a position to take some photos of what GCaC and Mamelukes I have spare - luckily there is no rush as your allies clearly have some ground to make up before the Guard cavalry gets any bigger.

  8. Fabulous - they look really great.

    Your boyhood dreams were in black and white? You can probably get counselling for that - that's a shame.

  9. A splendid looking force …

    Of course you will need more… you alway need more 😁

    All the best. Aly

  10. I pity the opposition coming up against those smart fellows, with all their +1 melee and morale factors!. I also have completed my French guard cavalry. Unless, like you, I find some Chasseurs. Or Empress Dragoons .Or Mamelukes. Hello, my name is Dave and I'm a vintage HH addict.

  11. Tony, they were always black & white while I was buying Miniature Warfare Mag!

  12. Aly, No NOOOOO - less is more!

  13. Dave, yeah there should be a clinic we could check into where you only get to paint 28mm Perry figures!

  14. The whole point about the Guard Cavalry is that they can't be stopped!
    Simply glorious, Ian!
    Best regards

  15. WM - that’s why I give them +1 !

  16. A wonderful and stirring sight on a sunny Easter morning Ian, really lifts my spirits seeing these fine old castings brought to life by your skilled brushwork.

  17. Thanks Lee, and for once every figure in the photos was painted by me!
