
Thursday 17 June 2021

Horse Grenadier Trumpeter

This is my trumpeter conversion for the Horse Grenadiers of the Guard. The horses’ legs have again been modified to provide greater height and the trumpet has been added in my usual way.

The figure is DK 46/1 Guard Grenadier-a Cheval which of course is pretty much a straight copy of Hinton Hunt FN/56 Horse Grenadier of the Guard (mounted) charging.


  1. Very nice. I like the blue.

  2. I have a few of these DKs hanging around for my Old Guard expansion. Thanks for showing me the way to handle them. I plan to shamelessly copy your height manipulation of these (if I ever am able to get to them...).

  3. A GáC trumpeter blowing the charge - that'll put the willies up the Holy Alliance.
    That's a nice shade of blue - what's the code?

  4. Thanks anon it is a very nice shade of blue.

  5. David, I think it was definitely worth the effort to give them that extra bit of height otherwise I don’t think it would have worked mixing them with the HH ones!

  6. Rob, it is Foundry 73B Bavarian blue.

  7. Very nice Trumpeter IAN- well done as always. Cheers. KEV.

  8. Very nice indeed…
    It’s a lovely pretty uniform… one of my(many) favourites.

    All the best. Aly

  9. What an amazingly colourful figure he is too.

  10. Very dapper looking fellow!

  11. It's a lovely uniform that sky blue with the aurore facings and you have done him a treat Ian.
    Regards, James
    p.s. I always think it's a shame that the white bearskin was not what they wore. An incorrect representation that I wish no-one had corrected!

  12. Lee, yes I took some time choosing a blue I thought looked right - happy with the result.

  13. James, I nearly painted the bearskin white as that would have been more old school but decided on black as that was what my uniform books were showing.

  14. I hadn't noticed the absence of the white bearskin - when was it debunked and on what evidence? I'm not sure that I won't go with it anyway just because of what for me is the classic GáC image at link:
    There's nothing authentic about my toy armies!

  15. Rob, I'm not sure about the debunking it's just that all my references show it as black!
