
Friday 13 July 2018

More Head Wardens

Don took pity on the 2nd Silesian Landwehr and very kindly sent me an officer, drummer and standard bearer this week to fill some of the command vacancies. This means I’ll be able to expand the command group to include an extra officer and a drummer (the standard bearer will be set aside for future use as WM is supplying a flag for my converted figure).

The officer Don sent is possibly a vintage one but if not is a very good Clayton casting. What has fascinated me about him is that he is identical to the figure that I finished up with after I carried out the head swap (previous post). I’m pretty certain then that Marcus Hinton produced the master for PN.17 Officer (charging) with a simple head swap to the line officer.

The drummer PN/22 Drummer (advancing) was never included in the original HH range and is a later addition produced by David Clayton. The figure has a French style pack rather than a haversack as modelled on the rank and file so again I’m guessing that the master was converted from another figure although I’m not sure which one, possibly a DK?


  1. You've got to stop calling them 'traffic wardens', they won't fight for you if don't love them.

  2. Rob - who said I don't love traffic wardens?

  3. Perhaps Parking Enforcement Operatives would strike a happy medium? But traffic wardens is best.

  4. How about just 'Parking Enforcers' sounds menacing and after all they do carry guns!

  5. Hi Ian, I can’t see from your pic what equipment the drummer has on his back. From the front he looks like FN6 with a Landwehr head.

  6. Nigel - I'm not sure that it is FN6, it's certainly quite weedy against the ones I have. Could be the result of the shrinking moulding process I guess.

  7. I haven't the slightest doubt that the Clayton Landwehr drummer started life as a conversion of an FN6 French line infantry drummer. It's even got traces of fringed epaulettes and French Imperial lace on the arms and chest. My blog post about this figure (also from Don!) is here:
    As for the weediness - as with so many Clayton "specials" - the master figure was probably a DK.

  8. WM - I've taken a closer look while undercoating him tonight and I agree he is a conversion of FN6.
