
Friday, 6 December 2024

Austrian 26th Schroeder Regiment

This is my latest Austrian infantry unit finally cleared from the painting desk. They will represent the 26th Schroeder Regiment for no reason other than I fancied parrot green facings.

As previoulsy stated, the majority of the figures used are Der Kreigspieler ones with a few Clayton's mixed in. The standard bearer is another of my free-hand attempts and the drummer is once more a DK Grenadier one with a head swap.

The figures used are:

1 x AN/6 Officer, marching
20 x AN/4-DK88/1 Musketeer, charging
1 x AN/21 Officer, charging
1 x DK Grenadier drummer (with head-swap conversion)
1 x AN/9 Standard bearer

You may have noticed that the troops are on a movement tray. Those of you who have made it through the doors of the Hinton Hut will know that my troops are mounted in threes and they can be a right faff to keep in order when manoeuvering across the table. I'm hoping that these movement trays (custom cut by the helpful and efficient people at Warbases) will speed up play whilst preserving a soldierly-like appearence.


  1. I can see why Parrot Green attracted you - it's distinctive, pretty and unusual. Your Austrian flags are also great - the edging round teh border looks superb. Not quite so sure about the movement trays though - perhaps for bigger battles where alignment can take some time. I spent tons ensuring my toy soldier (SSM) movement trays are barely visible - moving that many single-based figures made trays a must have.

    1. Rob, the trays are really for the big games. I'm a bit of a stickler for neat and tidy lines!

  2. That black/white/green colour scheme is a winner ! With the movement trays, do you have separate ones for column and line ?

    1. I have trays for column and line and another for cavalry. A square can be represented by turning around the rear two ranks of a column.

  3. Lovely work, they look super, like the green, very nice. I think the trays look grand and will work really well.

  4. Fine figures! IR26 was one of my ‘go to’ regiments since 1985 - always using Humbrol Lime Green! The final IR26 I will ever paint (Perry plastics) is now enjoying the Californian sunshine.

    1. I guess the white uniforms will help to keep them cool in the Californian sun!

  5. Lovely white uniforms. I like the movement trays, not too intrusive and eminently practical.

    1. Thanks Matt, I think the trays will work a treat and they are slightly less bulky than they appear in these photos.

  6. Great unit Ian. I note that you make the point of the trays being less obtrusive than they appear in the photos here, that's what I found in the past when I used them, especially when looking down upon them. Love those green facings :)

    1. Thanks Lee, I think the trays look thicker than they are in a low angle shot but in ‘real life’ they’re not all that noticeable.

  7. I would never have known these are DKs. A really lovely unit. I particularly like that you have added a somewhat cherubic lower lip beneath their moustaches. A nice touch that I may have to copy! I struggle to get the ink wash right to bring out the detail in the faces but not make them look like racoons. You have nailed it here with these.

    Nice to know Warbases will do custom movement trays as well. I just had them make some custom sized bases to accommodate the odd sized smaller casualty removal bases for my battalions, perhaps St. Nick will bring some movement trays as well...

    1. I went to Warbases to pick up my sample movement trays and was very impressed with their operation - there were four guys beavering away in the workshop! Granted it was just following Black Friday but all the same good to see someone actually making a living out of the hobby!

  8. Finally Ian, you have taken pity on my efforts to form square with your lads. This is a really pretty new unit and, as has been said, their provenance does them no harm at all. But David has me worried. Is raccoon not the best look?

    1. Thanks Nigel, I had you in mind when I ordered the movement trays! As for racoons, well it's either that or Mr Punch...

  9. Their immaculate drill will match their immaculate uniforms, Ian! Just fab.
