
Friday 14 June 2024

ECW Madness (Off Topic #40)

It was all going so well - 89 Hinton Hunt's painted so far this year and only 5 acquired. Then I saw a couple of lots of Minifigs S-range ECW figures come up at a bargain price...

ECW1s Royalist Musketeer Firing - this is such a great figure!
ECW20s Royalist Musketeer Carrying Musket - I have quite a few of these
ECW25s Royalist Pikeman Advancing - I just love the cast-on pikes
ECW5s Royalist Officer with Sword - what's not to like about this figure?

ECW5 Royalist Officer (Sword). This is not S-range but probably from the 'intermediate' range that followed it being slightly bigger and chunkier

ECW28s Royalist Officer Attacking or Advancing - I remember this figure well as I painted 5 or 6 of them back in the early 70s

ECWC3s Cuirassier - this is a OPC that has been converted to a standard bearer with a horse that needs some TLC

This is S-range (as the saddle is attached to the rider) and the horse is marked LCH2. It could be from the Thirty Years War range or could be a remodelled ECWC3 (this is the conclusion that Clive came to on his Lone S Ranger blog).
TYW3s Thirty Years War Officer - I had one of these way back when
TYW4s Thirty Years War Standard Bearer
TYW5s Thirty Years War Drummer

Technically, as these are not Hinton Hunt castings they don't count towards the lead-pile reduction target, but in reality they are a bit of a distraction. However, this is not a major project but rather some light relief from Napoleonics and something to put in the display cabinet - honest!


  1. They still have a certain style after all these years (50 + years ?)

  2. They are lovely looking figures, I like the look of them, very nice.

  3. GSS - I bought some in 1970/71 and shortly after that Minifigs ditched S-range and moved to a larger size which annoyed me somewhat as I ended up with a Royalist army with two sizes of figure!

  4. Thanks Donnie, they do have a certain charm.

  5. Distraction or not, I do hope you're going to treat us to some of these little beauties once you've painted them. I feel perfectly safe with these as having a big Hinchliffe ECW collection I'm not going to be tempted to do the ECW in another scale.

  6. Come on! The collection deserves the "full treatment".

    Two complete armies and a set of your own rules as minimum surely?

    They do ooze that old school charm.

  7. Rob, I will post some once they are painted but I don't expect the numbers to be quite on the scale of your collection!

  8. Matt, I guess that is payback for me egging you on with your vintage ACW collection!

    I was thinking ‘Matchlocks & Marquises’…

  9. I love these early Minifigs pike and shot figures…
    I remember George Gush using a lot of them in his Renaissance Wargames book…
    So much charm…
    I am looking forward to seeing them painted.

    All the best. Aly

  10. Aly, I was inspired back in the day by pictures of George Gush’s collection in Miniature Warfare Magazine so I’m really pleased to have these. Painting them will start soon!

  11. This is a very exciting, Ian. We need to see Morion!
