
Friday 31 May 2024

Wellington and his chums

Having painted the Cavalry Staff Trooper a few weeks ago I can now hold a full review of the Duke's staff. They may not be quite as glittering as those of the enemy but I hope you like them all the same.

BN/250 The Duke of Wellington in blue frock coat (on horse BNH/10)
BN/107 British General (mounted) pointing
BN/251 Lieut-Gen. Lord Hill in general's uniform holding his cock hat (on horse BNH/11)
BN/252 Lieut-Gen. The Earl of Uxbridge in Hussar uniform and shako (on horse BNH/12) - painted by Matt G
BN/253 Lieut-Gen. Sir Thomas Picton in top hat and tail coat (on horse BNH/11) - yes, I know he should't have a red coat but this is what it says on the painting instruction sheet!
BN/254 Lieut-Gen. Charles, Count von Alten in General's full dress uniform (on horse BNH/11) - painted by WM 
BN/255 Lieut-Gen. Sir Stapleton Cotton in Hussar uniform and busby (on horse BNH/13)
BNH/256 Maj.Gen. G. Cooke, commanded 1st (Guards) Div. at Waterloo in general's uniform (on horse BNH/11)
BN/257 Maj.Gen. Sir William Ponsonby, wearing a long riding coat over uniform (on horse BNH/11)
BN/261 A.D.C in cocked hat, holding letter (on horse BNH/11)
BN/264 Cavalry Staff CorpsTrooper carrying letter (on horse BNH/4) 
BRN/30 The Duke of Brunswick, in Death's Head shako and braided coat (on horse BNH/11) 
DN/30 H.R.H The Prince of Orange, in hussar jacket, full trouser and waving his cocked hat (on horse DNH/1)

I say 'full review' however I am still missing one figure DN31 Dutch-Belgian General. If I ever turn one up I'll edit him in to the post.


  1. Swiz, no group shot?

  2. Super - an impressive team!

  3. Rob, yeah I just realised that, some other time!

  4. Thanks Tony, how can they ever lose!

  5. A fine commanding body of men…

    All the best. Aly

  6. Superb collection of commanders, quite lovely.

  7. Aly, I shall pass on your comment to the lads!

  8. Donnie, it’s clear to me that Marcus Hinton really enjoyed sculpting these figures!

  9. It's just occurred to me, that if you wanted Nosey's entourage to challenge Boney's then you could do the attached foreign liason officers as per the bunch shown on the Cent Jours site:

  10. A handsome bunch of figures, no doubt about it! But my master tells me they still look perfidious.

  11. Harsh words Bob, personally there isn’t one of these gentlemen I would have any qualms about lending half a sovereign to!

  12. Generally excellent!

    I don't think I've ever seen even a photo of the Dutch-Belgian General Staff Figure.

  13. Cheers Matt, I’d like to see you do the same with ACW generals!

  14. I see what you did there WM!

    I know what he looks like but never seen one on eBay…

  15. Thank you, Ian, for this magnificent colour chart for the Duke and his staff. I shall be referring to it shamelessly. And if Marcus' painting instructions say Picton has a red coat, then that is what he "should" have. Mind you, the catalogue also describes it as a tail coat, as you have faithfully related......

  16. Nigel, I assume the HH painting instruction sheet for Picton contains a typo but then who knows?

  17. With those fine gentlemen leading them and an A morale class, how could the British possibly lose? A fine collection there Ian.

  18. Thanks David, I’m sure the Duke will take comfort from your words!
