
Friday 26 January 2024

Chicken Hunters

Here they are at last, served just for you, the table-ready French Imperial Guard Chasseur-a-Cheval. Nigel (unkindly) called them Chicken Chasseurs, but I prefer Chicken Hunters as they will inevitably seek out and destroy any Austrian cavalry who approach within charge range!

The figures used are:

1 x FN/48 Guard Chasseur-a-Cheval (mounted) charging - converted to trumpeter
4 x DK 47/1 Guard Chasseur-a-Cheval
7 x FN/305 Chasseur-a-Cheval Old Guard (on horse FNH/3)

This unit has been a long time coming and could never have been assembled without kind donations of figures from Don W, Tony, and Nigel. Your emperor thanks you gentlemen.


  1. Delightful, but my money's one the Sommariva Cuirassiers!
    When's the Guard cavalry review going to be held?

  2. Rob, a review is in the pipeline!

  3. I like them a lot, a really fine looking unit, hopefully they will perform on well when battle is met!

  4. Splendido.
    A colourful and characterful addition to your Guard.
    The men are terrific but I find myself especially admiring the horses.
    Thanks for sharing and i look forward to the review.
    I'm currently rereading Chandlers weighty tome, so this is the encouragement I need!

  5. Donnie, I hope they perform well too unless of course I’m not playing on the French side!

  6. Thanks Stephen, the are very colourful - review to come soon!

  7. Rob has clearly been following the progress of the Habsburg heavies.. Good man. Chicken hunters, eh, we shall replace our oak leaves with chicken feathers....
    Seriously though, folks, this is a unit worth the wait. They are beautiful, Ian, and have me regretting that I have "finished" La Garde ....for now.

  8. Beautiful work indeed Ian…

    All the best. Aly

  9. Nigel, I am beginning to suspect that the Guard are never finished!

  10. A very worthy addition to the collection.

  11. I simply love this unit. It's like looking at two different regiments at the same time. From the front all somber and workmanlike, and then from the rear the bright red of the pelisse really pops! They are like Napoleon's mullet; business up front, party in the back!

  12. I think they'll have the poule au pot in no time. Absolute crackers, every one.
    Best wishes

  13. David, It certainly is a striking uniform although of course the enemy will never get to see the ‘party’ side!

  14. WM, thanks for that they have been on my wish list for a long time!
