
Saturday 12 November 2022

Fusiliers on Parade

My British Fusiliers are finally parade ready so here they are.

For the record the figures used were

1 x BN/70 Officer (charging)
1 x BN/71 Sergeant (charging)
14 x BN/72 Fusilier Private (charging) – 2 x converted to standard bearers, 1 to a drummer
8 x BN/73 Fusilier Private (firing)

The figures are all vintage castings originally in the collection of Eric Knowles that I stripped and repainted.

One of the great things about doing a project like this is that my army OOB’s tend to continually go off at a tangent as figures become available to me. British Fusiliers were never on my radar, but I think they make an excellent and colourful addition to Wellington’s forces.


  1. They are gorgeous, the epitome of old-school shininess and if they don't put the willies up Johnny Crapaud then I’m a monkey’s uncle. British foot are a pain with all that lace and belts, straps, etc. but the end result is a bit special. I also rather like your backdrop. What’s next?

  2. Nice brushwork sir! Lots of detail, like the grenades on the back of the bearskins.

  3. Hello old chap,

    Lovely looking work old chap - great to see these veterans take on a new lease of life!

    All the best,


  4. Thanks Rob, next will be Clive's Prussians then I hope to get back on track with my tentative 'Waterloo' OOB!

  5. Nundanket, thanks for the comment. The bearskin patches are a bit impressionistic but I think that's fine in this scale!

  6. David, hopefully they'll see a bit of action soon!

  7. Jeffers, I hope they put the fear of God into the French!

  8. Nothing more to say than "Yesss!!!" Does a man's heart good to see such a lovely unit. Remind us again, are they a specific regiment, or more generic to fit a number of scenarios or larger formations as and when necessary?

    Kind Regards,


  9. An excellent and colourful addition is exactly right. Well done that man!

  10. Stokes, the flag is actually for the 23rd Welch Fusiliers but I could equally use them as the 7th Royals depending on how I feel!

  11. Glorious addition to the collection Ian, they have a real old Toy Soldier look to them under that lovely shiny varnish. The Red in particular is wonderful.

  12. Thanks Lee, the red is Foundry's redcoat and the grey is their British grey which I think is a really nice shade. The red did take three coats though!

  13. Very nice - it's not just those Frenchie types that can look good in fur.

  14. Thanks Matt, yes and we shouldn’t forget Austrian Grenadiers too (sorry I know you’re not so keen on Austrians!).

  15. Amazing job, they are superb examples of what vintage figures can look like.

  16. Thanks for that - glad you like them!

  17. Beautifully done Ian…

    Will they be seeing action soon…

    All the best. Aly

  18. Thanks Aly, it’s off to winter quarters for them now but in the Spring who knows?

  19. They are magnificent and will do what Rob said to Johnny Crapaud. However, if you will lend me the splendid Splenys...........
