
Tuesday 5 July 2022

OPC Cuirassier – Test Figure

I’ve completed my test figure for what will be the 8th Cuirassiers. This unit will be made up entirely of one-piece castings of FN/102 Cuirassier Trooper (mounted) charging. The figures are vintage castings of very high quality, the swords are complete and there was very little evidence of flash when I stripped the old paint job (they had previously been painted as Dragoons). This is quite remarkable as Hinton Hunt OPC’s are notorious for having great boulders of flash attached, particularly around the horses hind legs.

The figures were amongst several lots I bought last year from Ian Hinds (as were the infantry unit I just painted) and I would classify them all as ‘first generation’ castings from a time when the moulds were still quite decent. This is borne out by the comment from Ian Hinds that they were originally in the collection of Neville Dickinson of Miniature Figurines fame.

As always, this OPC was a challenge to paint and doesn’t look too fantastic on a zoomed-in photo. However, I think they should look passable when mustered together as a unit.


  1. I look forward to seeing the unit - funnily enough I also have a unit of these painted as dragoons.

  2. Thanks Rob, HH never made a OPC Dragoon which is probably why Cuirassiers were used for a paint conversion. The later cavalry additions did include a 2-piece Dragoon.

  3. You're far too self deprecating, Ian. He's splendid!

  4. A cracking little figure Ian…
    I’m looking forward seeing the whole unit.

    All the best. Aly

  5. Matthew, its the curse of the digital photography zoom-in!

  6. Cheers Aly, I hope to have them finished a bit quicker than the last unit.

  7. He is splendid Ian, and all the more so for his great vintage.

  8. The figure is lovely Ian - no question. Digital technology does not reveal the soul.

  9. Thanks Lee, crazy to think that this casting is around 50 years old!

  10. I agree totally, OPCs aren’t the easiest figures to paint, I’m currently doing some French hussars and they are “doing my head in”. But your test figure looks fantastic!

  11. He is rather splendid, OPC or not.

    Looking forward to meeting him in the flesh!

  12. Anon - they can be a right old fiddle. I do have some Hussars in the lead-pile but they will be a bit down the queue!

  13. Thanks Matt, I doubt if the unit will be ready for action when you come but then you’ll probably be glad of that!

  14. I agree wit Matthew, a cracking figure and paint job!
