
Monday 24 January 2022

Pavlovski Guard Grenadiers

The Pavlovski’s are finished and luckily for me too late to take part in the recent Campaign with Rob. This brings my rather small Russian force up to a total of three infantry units but hopefully there will be more to come.

Looking a bit anachronistic for Napoleonic warfare but then who doesn't like a miter cap?
I read somewhere that the miter caps were handed down rather than replaced and that some in use in 1914 had bullet holes in them from Borodino.
The figures are:

21 x RN/7 Pavlovski Guard, marching
2 x RN/1 Pavlovski officer, charging (one converted to standard bearer)
1 x RN/14 Infantryman, charging (converted to drummer with head swop).

The flag is from my 1995c stock of Revo ones that have long since lost their sticky but this is easily remedied with Pritt Stick. The drum was donated by a Newline Designs Highlander.

Next, I think I should be doing something to even things up a bit by adding a unit of French infantry.


  1. They look lovely and not wearing gaiters gives them extra pzazz. I mean who would even think of marching the Czar's Guards through through a muddy field.

  2. Now time to start on an overwhelming amount of artillery to back them up

  3. Wow! Such precision brushwork. These are amazing.

  4. I am looking forward to the showdown between these chaps and the French Old Guard.

    Very nicely done. The green you have used is spot on.

  5. Very nice indeed. Only a cad and a bounder would let his troops fire on such magnificent uniforms.

    So what has Boney got up his sleeve then?

  6. Thanks Stu - I do have a couple of batteries done but a few more wouldn’t hurt!

  7. Mark, I might need a second battalion for that!

  8. Matt, I think another boring but necessary line unit!

  9. These chaps look splendid…
    Will they fight well…or will they fall foul of new unit syndrome? 😁

    All the best. Aly

  10. You've already got two regiments of Russian grenadiers to go with them, and British and Prussian guardsmen on top of that. I'd say it was the Garde Imperiale who're looking a bit outnumbered!

    Lovely work, as always,

  11. Thanks Aly, we’ll have to wait and see!

  12. WM, might be a good scenario for a small battle “the clash of the Guards!”.

  13. Beautifully done Ian. The units that are a bit special and/or 'unique' are ever-popular with wargamers aren't they?
    Regards, James

  14. Thanks James, yes there are quite a few must have units!

  15. Absolutely splendid fellows. Don’t forget that killing them was not enough. You had to knock them over, too...which, come to think of it, makes them ideal for Muskets and Marshals...

  16. Nigel, knocking over is no problem as long as you do it gently!

  17. Lovely job! Three Russian units may be a bit too much for Nappy to take on, though. Considering his current form…😉

  18. Thanks Jeffers, you may be right!

  19. You're killing me Ian! These are spectacular and I so want to get back to painting the Russian army. Sigh - all good things will come if one is patient...

  20. David, this is the curse of the Hinton Hunt butterfly!
