
Wednesday 21 April 2021

Surely not?



  1. Oh dear. New Zealand is all a-tremble. It looks like boiled beef and sprouts on the menu for ever!

  2. I have to say Matthew, that Napoleon's PR machine is finding it very hard to spin a way out of this - full battle report to follow!

  3. "Oh dear. New Zealand is all a-tremble. It looks like boiled beef and sprouts on the menu for ever!" Don't worry WM, you can always drown everything in custard to add some flavour, maybe add mushy peas with marrow fat for variety...

  4. Fush and chups sounds better than poisson frit en pâte sur lit de frites

  5. I’m sure that the French will come to love Beef Wellington!

  6. I don't know what time scale you are using but the invasion looks in danger of being shorter that the European Super League!

  7. Matt, I have got a set time scale but I’d say so far we have lasted just a bit longer than that!

  8. Or are these just alternative facts ? You tease us mightily, Sir. Pleased to note that the 4th Swiss have suffered no ribaldry.

  9. Ah the 4th Swiss, poor fellows...

  10. I bet Murat’s lot have already eaten all the animals in the Cholderton Rare Breeds Farm.

  11. I see that Wellington is now featuring in the campaign. I have to wonder where Boney and the Old Guard are hiding. Have they already scuttled back to Boulogne and is Ney be set up to take the blame for any failure.

  12. Jeffers, I can assure that Murat is well supplied despite the depiction in the British press - no rare breeds were harmed in the making of this invasion!

  13. Mark, the Emperor is biding his time and will appear soon with the Guard to crush the British rabble!
