
Monday 17 February 2020

French Infantry – update

Well, the cabin appears to have survived last night’s storm although a tiny trickle of water did manage to penetrate through a knot hole – hardly surprising given the strength of the wind. The French infantry on my painting desk must have been glad to have their greatcoats.

Not a whole lot of progress with just 6 figures finished but I do have the other 18 all prepared and undercoated. Now I just need to knuckle down and get the painting properly underway.

The delay is partly due to the distraction of playing a solo 6mm ACW wargame over the last couple of weeks. For those of you interested in such things I’ve resurrected my old ACW blog rather than post it here. There is a link in the side bar or just click here.


  1. Five with orange pom-poms and one with light blue - what's the plan for the battalion? Are you doing four six-man line companies and leaving out the elites? Those réunis battalions have to come from somewhere.

  2. Rob, my French battalions are stylised to 4 companies of 6 figures each. In this case I will have 3 fusiliers and 1 grenadier company. I have a couple of marching figures without greatcoats I will be mixing in which is why I've only painted 5 of these with orange pom poms!

  3. You should have given them mittens and a scarf. Coming along well and glad the hut isn't four gardens along now.

  4. That would be spoiling them Matt!

  5. I'm very glad to hear that the shed survived. I did wonder a bit, what with all the news about storms and tempests!

    I'm all in favour of orange pom poms. Why not do the whole battalion like that (bar the grenadiers)?

  6. WM, as you know I am a fan one colour fits all pom poms for fusiliers but I felt I needed a bit of variation with all those grey coats. Although orange is more visible in the snow!

  7. I like the idea of mixing a few non greatcoat types in the unit. This should look good once they are all based up.

  8. Thanks Mark, I wanted to use them as I only have 2 and they are genuine old castings. Otherwise these odds and ends never get used!
