
Sunday 20 October 2019

Russian update

I’m making progress with the Russian infantry and am now at the halfway point of the unit. I had optimistically thought that painting figures in great-coats would be quicker than painting them in full uniform but somehow this doesn’t seem to be the case. I’m trying to get them finished for a game to be hosted by Goya next month, but I’m not sure if I’ll make the deadline.

I’ve also finally got around to making some minor changes to my rules Muskets & Marshals. I’ve changed the initiative rule as it seemed that too often cavalry was failing to counter-charge which seemed unrealistic. I’ve also updated the rules for fighting in buildings to reflect the system we’ve used in the last few games.

Muskets & Marshals 6.2 can be viewed or downloaded HERE.


  1. Stick at it, if you're anything like me it seems to be going nowhere for ages then suddenly all seems to come together. Beside I want to see them in action as they're such a distinctive unit.
    Downloaded v6.2 and shall peruse with interest - one question I've been meaning to ask; what exactly do you mean by squares firing at full effect, both ranks from a face instead of just the front rank?

  2. Coming along nicely.

    Stoic, steady fellows like these need time to be painted, greatcoats or not. I hope you are playing solemn music while you paint?

  3. The "quick" regiments never turn out that way, do they.
    A few spins of the 1812 Overture should get you get through.
    All the best

  4. Very nicely done as always Ian.

    As an aside I saw a unit of Mark Dudleys fine British Household cavalry on the facebook Napoleonic group page, (I think the figures are mostly recasts from Old John but a fine unit). This prompted me to post about Marcus Hintons work as designer of the range. Posted a few lines about his work and his life and it has received 200 likes to date and loads of comments. Amazing just how many wargamers started off with HH figures, a testimony to Marcus Hinton and his influence. As one guy put it, "Thank God for great English eccentrics" :)

  5. Rob, this means there is no penalty to firing for moving into square. Both ranks of a square can always fire.

  6. Matt & WM, actually I was listening to Neil Young which is mostly pretty sombre!

  7. Lee, that's interesting as I'm not on facebook but it's good to see Marcus getting the appreciation he is due.

  8. I too would have expected figures in Greatcoats to paint easier.

    I will print out a copy of the new version of M&M and peruse the changes.

    Lee - the Lifeguard are JC figures however the officer and trumpeter are Newline figures mounted on HH horses.

  9. I'll be sure to DL the new rules and try them out. Something we'd tried was to remove the simultaneous movement. If you won imitative you got to declare charges first but also had to move first

  10. They look great Ian. A real nice shade of brown for the greatcoats.
    Fabulous job on the Moscow flag in the post below too!

  11. Stu - My original idea was for simultaneous movement with order 'tokens' to replace the 1970s written orders system. The tokens were placed faced down behind each unit and then revealed, at the start of each turn, they were simple orders 'move', 'charge' etc. I did try a couple of games like this with Roy but we found it quite time consuming so just did everything by gentlemen's agreement. This has always worked well except when it came to cavalry charges hence the initiative rule. I can see that alternate moves is an easier option however I wanted to stick with the old school simultaneous moving, perhaps the orders tokens still have some merit as an idea?
