
Sunday 8 September 2019

Hinton Hut

One of the reasons I haven’t got much painting done over the last few months is that I’ve been constructing this log cabin in the back garden. Log cabin is my preferred name whereas Goya insists on calling it a hut which I suppose is just one better than a shed.

With a generous 5m x 3m footprint I’m finally going to have a dedicated space for my painting desk, wargame table and associated stuff. There should even be room for Goya to park his sedan chair in the corner when he visits.

The cabin was a kit, which was just as well as I never was much good at woodwork but kits I can do. I was always an annoyance to my woodwork teacher as, being left-handed, he had to reconfigure the woodwork bench for me. Whist doing so he would mutter about kids who were ‘cack-handed’ as he so nicely put it (this was long before the invention of political correctness).

Anyway, I’m pleased with the result and now just need to fit out the inside.


  1. Well Done IAN- a great result- what a great place for your Games. Cheers. KEV.

  2. Do you have room for both painting and gaming on a permanent basis?

  3. Kev, yes once I've finished the inside it should be great!

  4. Stuart - yes, I will be able to get a permanent 6'x 4' table and my desk with the option to extend to 8' x 4' if I need it.

  5. Really looks very good - is Management still going to allow you to visit at mealtimes?

    Very interested to know how good the thermal insulation is - I think wood is pretty good for this.

    It couldn't be a bothy, I suppose?

  6. Tony, the wall timbers are 4cm thick and draught proof, there is 4cm of insulation board under the floor and 5cm under the roof (these are the places where most the heat escapes), the windows are double glazed. I'm expecting to be able to use it most of the year but perhaps not Jan/Feb when I will need to renegotiate entry back into the house!

    A bothy, but for wandering wargamers only...

  7. Perfect, and the sun is shining!

  8. Lee, I had to wait 4 weeks to get a picture with the sunshine on it!

  9. The "Lead Shed", perhaps?
    What a wonderful asset, and somewhat better insulated than many houses in New Zealand!

  10. WM, good suggestion!

    I think Tony and Goya are sceptical of its thermal properties through a Scottish winter however I remain optimistic.

  11. I would hope wearing kilts would be mandatory

  12. Aye, and taps aff in the summer!

  13. I have been threatening to get something similar for our lawn and gardening equipment to make more room in the garage for painting and gaming. Perhaps I have been thinking about this the wrong way and need to consider a "log cabin". You certainly have given the idea some appeal!

  14. It looks magnificent, Ian. Should it be called Hinton HUt?

  15. As you are now the custodian of a shed (however grand philosophically it is by nature a shed) I would recommend you buy and read either The Joy of Sheds by Frank Hopkinson and/or the Ladybird Book of The Shed.

  16. Clive - my neighbour has already bought me a copy of '101 things to do in a shed' so I am well set up!
