
Friday 8 March 2019

Over-egging the fusiliers

I’m slightly concerned to find myself sprucing up a unit I completed 4 years ago when I still have a lead mountain to climb, but sometimes things just go that way. As I said before, I’ve never been very happy with my West Prussian Fusiliers as I think they were completed in too much of a hurry and the lumpy top to the original flagstaff always bugged me.

So they’ve been issued with a new flagstaff (and the bearer with new hands), a hornist has replaced the drummer and the whole lot have been given two coats of gloss varnish. Hopefully now I can leave them alone, but then again, hmm…

Work continues on the musketeers with the addition this week of the officers for all 3 units I’m planning. Now there really is nothing left to do except get on with the rank and file.

24 painted, 48 more to go.


  1. Give yourself a break you’re not on contract, it’s a hobby. Not only that but the Fusiliers look great in their shiny new coats and you know the drum and old standard would’ve bugged you. Besides it would be wrong for supposedly better units to look shabbier than those they should look down on. This way you’re happier and that is why we do it isn’t it? Anyway that’s what I telll myself when placating the OCD monkey.

  2. Thanks Rob, no more OCD monkey at least not for today!

  3. Bravo, Ian.
    I try not to look too closely at my early regiments, as they make me wince. Some of the First Silesians, for example, have grey-green skin tones that make them look like they've risen from the dead. Your fusiliers, on the other hand, have been one of my secret favourites for years. They're looking very spiffy indeed with their new glossy coats.

  4. Matthew - there's nothing in your collection that would make me wince! I've promised myself that I won't revisit any of my other units.

  5. They look wonderful Ian, I like the addition of the hornist, a touch of class. The new shiny finish brings out the colour nicely too. Big fan of Father Ted myself, still hard to beat :)

  6. A lovely looking unit Ian...
    I came to the conclusion many years ago that nothing I do is ever really finished... I now look at it all as a work in progress .

    All the best. Aly

  7. Excellent fusiliers, once the Prussian units on the painting desk complete, your Prussian force will look the part.


  8. Aly, that seems like a good way to look at things!

  9. Paul - I'm determined to finish them this year as it's long overdue. Once done there will be a parade!

  10. I am sure that the originals were quite fine, but these look beaut none-the-less!

    I generally try to consider my early attempts as relevant to leave for 'historical' purposes! Of course, there will be a peak soon (perhaps I am already past it) so the future ones will not be as good as the few that I have painted in the middle phase. Good news is that it is more difficult to see them anyway. Bad news is the quality of cameras nowadays...!

    I really liked the Airfix La Haie Sainte as the backdrop too, Ian.

  11. Thanks James, I like to think I'm still in my middle phase but the truth is I'm near the end!
