
Tuesday 1 January 2019

Painting review

I don’t normally do a New Year review of my painting output as it is usually depressingly small, however this time I seem to have ended up with a half decent total of 111 foot and 15 mounted figures so blowing my own trumpet seems in order.

The Young Guard, perhaps my favourite unit of 2018?
The combined Marines of the Guard and Guard Engineers (just
look at the anchor on that flag!).
Another 'daughter' for the Emperor.
Not forgetting the line artillery.
It was a good year for the Traffic Warden Corps.
And for this star of Coronation Street.
Some heavy metal for the Guard
British RFA - at last!
These lads broke the bank but they are pretty.
The Black Duke.
Some fancy troopers
Technically I didn't paint this one but I'm including him in the
line-up anyway - marshal Davout.
The Brunswick Owls.
I began last year with the idea of completing the Imperial Guard infantry but eventually became distracted into Prussian Landwehr and then Brunswickers but all in all it was a fairly focussed year. The aim for 2019 is that it will be the year of the Prussians, at least until I become distracted again.


  1. A splendid parade sir...
    I don’t think I can pick a favourite.... they are all lovely.

    All the best. Aly

  2. A wonderful panoply of shiny troops! Both impressive and inspiring. Happy New Year!


  3. I hope you got as much joy out of painting them as I did following your progress on the blog. May 2019 be especially productive for you and who knows maybe a regiment of line chasseurs? [possibly my favourite cavalry type]

  4. Well done in your efforts. Like you my favourite unit is the Young Garde, a cracking regiment.

  5. An excellent years painting Ian, I do like the combined Marine and Engineers battalion some real character figures in there, and of course I'm glad that Davout was spared the bleach, hes a little gem!

  6. Thats a pretty decent output and certainly comparable to mine. I run my year to the end of March and so far have painted 56 foot and 34 cavalry figures since April 18.

    The Young Guard are also my favourite but I also have a fondness for the traffic wardens.

  7. Yes all lovely and quite a rate of productionbwithout any drop in quality.
    Chasseurs are lovely ....this combination of yellow and green being particularly impressive.

  8. Mark - looks like you have a good chance of passing my total!

  9. Roy - no chasseurs due this year, maybe 2021!

  10. Thanks Matt, only problem is that I seem to have acquired more figures than I painted!

  11. I can only echo what's already been said. The quality of your output this year has been simply stunning and immensely inspirational - which is to say incredibly distracting. I want regiments like that now!

    All the very best to you and yours for 2019

  12. This is an incredible effort for the year - the quality is incredible!

  13. WM - thanks for that, a Happy New Year to you and the family!

  14. Thanks General Picton although your own output is something to aspire to!

  15. Hi IAN,
    Happy NEW YEAR - may 2019 be an excellent year for you and your Projects. Brilliant painting there! Well done indeed. Cheers. KEV. (Sydney-AUSTRALIA).

  16. Thanks Kev - and to you too!

  17. Trumpet or bugle ;-)
    Looking good though

  18. Who's Roy? But perhaps the more important question is does anyone in the vintage 20mm / HH actually have a painted unit of line Chasseurs à Cheval?
