
Sunday 15 April 2018

Last of the Marines (and engineers)

After a bit of a dry painting period I finally found time to paint the last few of my Sailors of the Guard. Shown here in the front are, FN/177 Guard using pickaxe (donated by Roy) and FN/90 Marine Officer, charging (donated by Mark). All that remains to do now is base them all.

When I started this unit a couple of years ago I was quickly distracted after painting just 3 figures and this is partly because most of the figures are reproductions rather than vintage figures. However in the end this has turned out to be an interesting unit to put together incorporating engineers and various command figures. The blue and orange uniforms also seem to come alive once the gloss varnish is applied.

Next I’m going to be painting a couple more French gun batteries and then it will be time to expand the Guard cavalry.


  1. Another really fine unit Ian. The gloss varnish certainly brings out the colours.

  2. Thanks Lee, I think they'll look even better based in close order!

  3. I agree, it's an unusual unit with a lot of charm, I'm also looking to see how they look based up. Keep up the posts - we're a bit HH-deprived now WM is off on his travels.

  4. A really interesting unit, look forward to seeing them based up.


  5. Thanks for the comments chaps!

  6. They are certainly eye catching between the fancy uniforms and the engineers. A very attractive unit.

  7. A fine looking unit. Flashy, shiny and French!

  8. Anonymous is right, though he could paint up those KGL hussars.
    An extra burden falls upon you Ian to turn out some flashy HH over the next coupke of months to kerp us all oohing and ahhhing.
    You coukd , of coyrse, appeal for some pics and dispkay a selection??

  9. Glad you found a use for the Marine Officer.

    A very fine looking unit.

  10. Thanks Matt, what's not to like?

  11. As an incorrigible seeker of matt, (please note that's a small m, and Matt need not go in fear), I find myself irritatingly in awe of the glossy glamour of your chaps. Seems especially appropriate to the French. I really love the look of those engineers'helmets, which say nothing to me of firemen.

  12. Hi I was prompted by this to get my 5 Gd Engineers out - great figs though I found one with a broken shovel - straight into the repairs box.
    A question. Do you really think they worked with packs and muskets on thier backs?

    Regards Ian

  13. Excellent Ian!
    Must be time for another 'must photo' soon?!

  14. Cheers Mark and thanks for sending him!

  15. Nigel, I'm sure Matt is breathing a sigh of relief! Perhaps you could buy some gloss and leave it on your painting table just in case?

  16. Ian - that seems highly unlikely however Marcus liked to get the uniforms right which is I'm sure why they have pack and musket!

  17. James - there will be a review of the Guard when I can find some time for a photo shoot!

  18. Hi Stryker
    Thats what I though but the figs are great and amounst my many favourites!
    Regards Ian 2
