
Tuesday 20 February 2018

Young Guard Update #2

I’m falling a bit behind schedule on getting this unit fully finished. Last night I cut the plasticard bases and went through the frustrating process of trying to get the figures glued on in such a way as to allow the ranks to close up. This is always awkward with charging figures as they have to be angled so that the ranks can fit together in any combination.

During this process it became apparent that there are subtle differences between some of the castings. I’m not sure how many different production moulds there would have been in use by Hinton Hunt at any one time but I know I received figure variations within the same deliveries back in the 70s. Mostly these were variations in height and thickness but sometimes the body is slightly twisted.

Anyway, they are now firmly stuck in place with superglue and the final phase of production will be to paint the bases green. This is also quite a frustrating process as the quality of Humbrol paints is now so poor it will require three coats to cover properly. Once that’s done they will fall in again in front of the Emperor to ‘officially’ receive their colours.


  1. Cracking looking unit. Are you painting the Flanker chasseurs?

  2. Thanks Robbie, no this is it for the unit!

  3. They look amazing, Ian!
    I agree that Humbrol grass green is a shocker these days. As I had some 6x6 cm plasticard artillery bases to paint I finally threw in the towel and went down to the DIY warehouse with a sample of the stuff painted onto a piece of paper. I came back with a 250ml test pot of enamel paint which is an almost exact match - in fact, rather nicer. It still needs two coats and dries very slowly, but it paints on like a dream.
    I'm guessing those are Marines de la Garde massing in the background?

  4. WM - I keep meaning to get a pot mixed myself, I should do as it would stop a lot of moaning! Well spotted, they are indeed more Marines to finish the unit I started a couple of years ago.

  5. A cracking addition to the collection. I bought some Humbrol enamels last year in a fit of nostalgia and yes, they are truly shocking. I think the match pot idea in enamel is the way to go with your collection.

  6. Lovely figures - just how big are your armies now? I'm still hoping you'll post your pre-battle manoeuvre rules some time.
    I still use humbrols, and while annoyed at what seems like a variability in tone I don't find them that much worse in terms of coverage but then I always paint with the sludge from the bottom - accounts for impasto appearance of my paint-jobs in close up...

  7. Excellent looking unit, the Marines de la Garde will make a splendid unit, however, those Chasseurs de la Garde will look equally good once a painting slot is open. I always struggle with which unit is next!


  8. Matt - thanks for that!

    Rob - the French army is now up to 11 foot units which is pretty much as big as I can handle in a one on one game using my rules. As for the paint I've always used the sludge from Humbrols but 10 years ago the formula was definitely better and the paint would completely cover white plasticard in 2 coats and dry a proper Matt!

  9. Paul - yes, I wasn't sure which unit to do next until I rediscovered the 3 marines I had already painted!

  10. Excellent soldiers - superbly done - love them.

    I currently use some of the Humbrol acrylics - mostly railway colours, I think. The paint is not too bad (I have a grey primer and metallic silver and gold which are going well enough), but I detest the plastic screw-top pots - proper hand wreckers, and the real horror is that after a while the thread starts to go, and it takes a lot of swearing to get it to screw on straight.

  11. Tony - I've tried using some of the Humbrol acrylics but had a similar experience with the screw-tops. I have only recently discovered the joys of the Vallejo 'dropper' bottles and now use these for black and white!

  12. Another fine unit Ian, really well done.

  13. Am I alone in eschewing Humbrol entirely in favour of Revell enamels? In my experience they are everything Humbrol was in the 70s. No, I don't have shares or any other inducement. They are just superior. Similarly their acrylics. I love your drummer. What are his origins?

  14. Nigel - I use Revell matt black for undercoat as it dries to a proper matt finish. Unfortunatley they don't have a green close to Humbrol 80 so I'm stuck using Humbrol for my bases. The drummer was converted by Matt B from a charging figure!

  15. Another super paint job on the completed unit there, Ian.

    I've also given up on Humbrol 80 and bought some colour-matched emulsion from a local DIY superstore. Works well (with care) and I've also now painted my table with the same paint.

    Tony S

  16. Tony - Yes, I really must do the same thing although I'm thinking possibly a lighter colour for the table as it might show the troops off better?

  17. I think you;re right about a lighter colour table showing the figures off better - you've only got to look at Wellington Man's battles to see how the lighter green really makes his troops stand out and that's got to be what you want after putting all that effort into painting them.
    It also seems to better match the retro-look of the black and white photos from my youth, e.g. Bruce Quarrie's Napoleonic Wargaming.

  18. I'm pleased with the outcome, Ian. My bases seem to merge quite nicely on to the table. But then, on the other hand, they do say that a good contrast is better than a bad match!

    Tony S

  19. Thanks for the comments they are always appreciated!

  20. My MDF boards are a lighter green as well. I used Dulux Tarragon Glory No 2. It certainly is eye catching when figures are arrayed for battle.

    Here are some pictures of a game I did at Triples a few years ago using homecast Prince August figures.
