
Monday 4 September 2017


In the end I decided to spare my old model of La-Haye-Sainte and by performing some modest surgery (cutting off the garden wall) managed to squeeze it onto an A4 sized piece of MDF. The old version can be glimpsed here.

I’ve decided to go with Roy’s A4 system of bases to represent BUA’s rather than base the buildings individually. I haven’t bothered with flock or any fancy stuff and have just given the base an old school simple coat of green matt household paint (B&Q “Sherwood” if you’re wondering).

I plan to have three BUA bases in total and these will be the two farms (Hougo-Sainte and Sainte-a-Mont) and a village base with both cottages and the church (Plance-not). I think this will really be all that I need for the scale of games I’m likely to be playing as I do like to keep a fairly open battlefield.


  1. I do like the more functional aspect of your buildings as wargames buildings need to be tailored to the troops and rules rather than vice versa. If I dare make an impudent suggestion; IMHO the courtyard looks a little odd painted as grass, especially where the turf can be seen going into the buildings, perhaps a touch muddy brown in all the gate/door-ways and maybe some tracks between them?
    Is there another update on the rules coming? You have hinted a couple of times about some tweaks?

  2. Rob I agree that turf carpets may be a bit luxurious for the occupants but I wanted to keep this plain and simple, I'll consider your suggestion though.

    Yes, there is an update coming soon that incorporates some ideas I had during the recent game.

  3. Stylish AND practical. I approve.

  4. I think it looks just the part and fits well as a "BUA" with your armies.

  5. They fit well with your overall design, Ian. It would look odd if the buildings had naturalustic detail whereas the troops and table are rather stark green . So stick with it!

  6. Thanks for the comments!

    Roy - I think you're right as overly scenic items don't really fit with the retro style. I'm working on the village base at the moment and it's looking good, should post on it soon.

  7. Nicely done Ian, I agree with Roy that it fits well with your overall theme and is very functional in that it represents a BUA occupied by a battalion.

  8. Thanks Lee, I'm happy I finally have a solution to the BUA problem and quite like the look too!

  9. I like the green as it is. It looks the part.
