
Thursday 6 July 2017

Voltigeur progress

I’ve finally put the buildings away (for now) and decided to get on with painting some figures. Currently in progress are the company of French Voltigeurs that have been lurking at the back of my painting desk for the last few weeks.

These are not actually Voltigeurs but are FN3 Grenadier (firing) painted to look like Voltigeurs. This is the classic ‘I’m shooting with a tree trunk whilst aiming too high’ pose and the figures are nicely cast vintage ones.

I’d forgotten how time consuming painting French uniforms can be and there has been lots of toing and froing with the white and black paint this evening trying to get all the straps done. Hopefully one more session will see them finished.


  1. No comparison with modern figures , but far more character ,Tony

  2. They look rather handsome. Getting the white with black lining right is key to the correct look for these classic figures. I know it took me ages to do on the Hungarian Infantry I recently finished.

  3. Mark - one thing I've learnt is that you cant rush a Hinton Hunt!

  4. That black-lined red piping is A-class painting, Ian!

    I love your voltigeurs.

  5. They are coming together very nicely. Have you ever tried the permanent black marker pen of legend for your strap lines?

  6. WM - thanks for that, looks ok from normal distance but when the camera zooms in it all looks a bit wobbly to me.

    Matt - no I've never tried that, must have a go some day!

  7. Hnton's 1812-1815 French infantry are a bit if a mess with an odd combination if fusilier, grenader and vltigeur positions. I think he believed tgat we should paint up voltigeurs as grenadiers etc...So I do and assume you do too.
    Piping...A grade stuff Ian

  8. Lovely job Ian, really crisp neat painting brings those fine old castings bursting into to life :)
