
Wednesday 2 December 2015

Vintage Waterloo (Part 2)

D'Erlon's corps continues to advance. The 45th Ligne to the left of this shot have already taken 5 casualties from artillery fire while between the lines the opposing skirmishers are popping away at each other.
The French first line has now pushed the allied skirmishers out of the wood in front of Hougoumont and they are engaging in a fire-fight with the redcoats defending its walls.
A cavalry melee quickly developed on the extreme left of the French line where the Allied cavalry (including rather realistically the Cumberland Hussars) were put to flight. Wellington was forced to allocate a unit of British cavalry from his reserve to prop up the flank.
It was now noon and I released the Guard and the heavy cavalry reserve into the capable hands of Marshal Ney. They deployed in the centre of the field between Hougoumont and La Haye Sainte and started to advance.
More and more cavalry were getting drawn into the action to the west of Hougoumont while the French infantry commenced an assault on the chateau itself.
The action at Plancenoit. I'm not entirely sure what was happening at this point but I believe the Prussians were having a hard time of it due to the timely arrival of the Young Guard reinforcements.
Wellington (left) casts an anxious look to his right flank while Ney (opposite him) is intent on getting his troops forward.
A view along the line showing the Prince of Orange's position. In the centre distance can be seen the British rocket battery deployed on the main ridge - we'll be hearing more about them later.
This superb unit of Grey's belongs to Roy. These were part of the reinforcements deployed from the Allied reserve to check the French cavalry near Hougoumont - it turned out to be a good decision by Wellington.
The view of Hougoumont from the Allied lines. The Nassau grenadiers are standing by to lend support to the garrision as pressure from the French mounts. In the foreground a Belgian battalion is taking casualties from long range artillery fire.
The centre of the Allied line was so far untouched. The Guards brigade are tucked safely away on the reverse slope while the first line of British infantry makes the most of the cover provided by the hedge.
The 30th Cambridgeshires under the watchful eyes of Picton and Uxbridge.
Steady Guards - your time will come!
These Belgians behind Hougomont are ex Wargames Holiday Centre figures in Roy's collection - complete with oversized Peter Gilder flag.
The scene inside Hougoumont as the battle approached 1 O'clock. Things were starting to look desperate for the garrison with Fench artillery pounding the place and enemy infantry trying hard to force the gates.


  1. Absolutely Superb Armies and Battle- a wonderful tribute to Hinton-Hunt. KEV.

  2. Magnificent. Congratulations to Roy too on some wonderful conversions. I'm having great fun trying to work out how he made them!

  3. Looks like you had a good game and your rules produced a historically accurate result. Well done!

  4. Thanks for the comments chaps!

    Matt - I think Roy's conversions should be the subject of several blogposts. I didn't have enough time to document them properly but will try to do so next time I visit. He does have some excellent stuff, the Cumberland hussars being a good example.

  5. Well hats off to a man who can be bothered with the Cumberland Hussars. In the meantime, what's happened to Hill's RHA batteries? By God, sir, this has been worth the waiting.........

  6. Anon - I agree about the Cumberland hussars and they were superbly painted too! We will have to wait and find out about those RHA batteries...

  7. Greats armies and very good battle report.
    Thank you very much.
    Good game.

  8. The game built magnificently. Some beautiful photos of massed troops and excellent close-up. Wonderful!
