
Friday 24 July 2015

Vintage Waterloo – Playtest

Today Roy and I finally got together for a playtest of Vintage Waterloo and we had a great time laying out the troops and shuffling the terrain about. This was the first time that we’d got all the figures together in one place and we weren’t disappointed with the result – spectacular is an understatement and I must say that my photos really don’t do it justice!

The Emperor at his command post near La Belle Alliance. This is Roy's version of Napoleon and staff - very nice.

Excuse the camera wobble but at least this shot gives some impression of the size and scale of the game. Looking east along the battlefield with Hougoumont in the foreground.

Roy’s main table (yes he has two) is 12 x 5 foot and we had no trouble completely filling it with Hinton Hunts, at least 2,000 of them. Just setting the figures up was a delight and Roy to his credit, knowing that I am a perfectionist about such things, humoured me by letting me do it my way.

Reille's corps getting ready to take on the British defending chateau Hougoumont.

Barings KGL riflemen crammed into La Haye Sainte. These are the figures currently on loan for the Vintage Waterloo project. Note to self: you've put the farm on the wrong side of the road - doh!

Vorwarts mein children, I vill shoot any man I zee with pity in his eyes!

It took until lunchtime to get everything ready which left very little time for actually playing but the point of the day was to work out the terrain, dispositions and orders of battle. We did however manage to play two whole turns which considering the scale of the thing, and the fact that there were just the two of us, was very good going.

Picton's men stand ready to take on d'Erlon. The highland brigade are lining the hedge with my own 42nd Black Watch on the right.

Ponsonby with the British heavy cavalry in reserve behind the ridge - ready to gallop at everything.

The Guard - Young Guard in the front, Old Guard behind, five units of each. They look like they could just steamroller straight through the British line and be in Brussels for tea!

I took so many photos that it will take me a while to sort through the blurry ones and find the half decent ones so those posted here are just a taster – more to follow.

My thanks to Roy for a splendid day and excellent gourmet lunch.


  1. Hi Ian I think you underestimate your pictures, this is an outstanding display!!! 2000 figures that's brilliant!!! All looks ace but the scots greys look magnificent from behind and pics from the front of them?

  2. Hi Paul - thanks for the comment. I don't think I have a photo of the Greys from the front. We only played two turns so they didn't get a look in. When we play the game for real I hope to get some better shots - perhaps of them capturing the eagle of the 45th?

  3. That is a fantastic display. Truly impressive.

  4. This is what I thought Heaven looked like when I was 17. Now I know I was right. But what are those two blokes doing malingering behind Picton's division?

  5. Fantastic pictures - my compliments and congrats on what you've achieved - looks really brilliant. For goodness sake keep the Scots Greys away from the gin.

    I'm sure you've explained this before - are you just going to play this as a free game, or is it partly a walk-through? - what I mean is, what is your starting point, and how much is subsequently cued by historical events? This is an area where I always get a bit confused in my own efforts.

  6. Every bit as spectacular as promised, and then a bit. What an absolutely brilliant display! I just wish I could have got that second squadron to you in time. I'll be very sorry if the Prussians do badly! Congratulations.

  7. What an excellent looking game ! , Tony

  8. Looks great, worth all the effort.
    Nice to see the farmhouses in use in an actual Waterloo game.

    I wish you joy of the big day.

  9. What a lovely evocative game, bravo!

  10. Thanks for the comments chaps!

    Archduke - yes it is a boyhood dream come true inspired by those pics of Peter Gilder's Waterloo set up. I'm not sure what those two skulkers are doing in the rear perhaps coming back with the gin ration?

    Tony - my aim is to try to play it as a proper game but to include as many Waterloo-ish events as possible - charge of the union brigade, Ney's cavalry charge and attack of the Old Guard. I think we can achieve this as Roy and I are of the same mind.

    Wellington Man - I wouldn't worry about the Prussians doing well as they are a formidable force with your lancers in the front rank. I though the Young G you did for Roy are fantastic but annoyingly I don't think I have a decent photo of them, I will try to rectify this next time!

  11. That looks totally awesome, culmination of much hard work, well done!

  12. Thanks Dave & Doug - they look even better in the flesh!

  13. Spectacular setup, what a delight

  14. Thanks Allan - it does look good but this is all really down to Roy who provided 80% of the troops, all the scenery and of course the venue!

  15. Excellent! and as you say so reminiscent of the late Peter Gilders vast Napoleonic battles.

    When's the main event?

  16. Ian should credit himselffor the iriginal idea!
    Should I say that we had a few cavalry and infantry units that did not make it onto the table as the central sections were rather crowded! We intend to feed those on as the armies move forwards. Ian has done a little speeding up with the skirmisher rules so I think we will be quicker hext time. We did yave a French cavalry attack on either flank royted so there was action and it was quick. Matt and Lee's guard units were both hurrying to the French right as a dozen units of Prussians advanced. Meanwhile the KGL lights in LHS and the guard at Hougoumont were holding off much superior numbers.. So the ogre was actually glad to get a reprieve?

  17. Lee - we haven't set a date yet but I hope soon. To run it for 8 turns (which is my aim) means either as a multi-player game on a single day or just the two of us over two days, which may be easier than trying to teach the rules to new players as well as play!

  18. Just got back off holiday and what a treat! Superb, very impressive, the photos are excellent, I agree with Lee, very Peter Gilderesque, bravo!

    Look forward to the main event.

    Thank you

