
Saturday 22 November 2014

Where’s your troosers?

Although I’m half Scottish I’ve only even worn a kilt once and that was at my daughter’s wedding last year. It was a bit of a strange experience but I have to say that I found it surprisingly comfortable and the sporran came in very handy for holding my mobile phone. I’ll probably never wear one again but I’m glad I did it.

 Luckily for all my nobbly knees are just hidden from view.

During the Napoleonic wars the Highland regiments didn’t wear the sporran on campaign but then again they didn’t have mobile phones. The photo below shows my test figure for the 42nd Black Watch listed in the Hinton Hunt catalogue as BN/36 Highland Private (marching). I was surprised to find that over half of the figures I have assigned to this unit are vintage ones with the remainder being Clayton castings of very good quality.

 It's a broad bricht moonlit nicht tonich the noo!

I followed the Hinton Hunt painting instructions on this one as Marcus Hinton even included detailed instructions for the tartan. I think the effect is pretty good and it was less of a fiddle to paint than I had feared.

 A view of a Highlander that no Frenchman is likely to see (unless the pub has just opened)

I’m hoping to get on and get a few more of the rank and file done before Christmas but I have a bit of a problem with the command figures as Hinton Hunt didn’t include any standard bearers in the range. I only have one officer figure suitable for conversion so I’m considering using a couple of converted charging figures instead.


  1. Fear not my friend - I can send you a couple of Highland officers - 2 poses - if you like. :o) Not sure if they're Claytons or Der K's.

  2. Absolutely beautiful paintwork Ian. The tartan is spot on, with the correct muted tones. So often have I seen this tartan painted with too much contrast, but this is superb. I also applaud the cross hatching on the hose tops. As to the ensigns, try SHQ Miniatures, which fit in very nicely with Hinton Hunt, as the Highlanders are particularly rare. I have about 30 vintage castings, not enough for one of my battalions, but I'm getting there.

  3. Thanks for the comments chaps!

    Michael - how big are your battalions? Let me know what pose your using and I'll rummage around in my spares box.

  4. Ian, my battalions are 48 rank and file, 4 Co. officers, 2 ensigns, musician, and mounted C.O., in other words, very old school. I have all the poses that Marcus made, including several of the unique running figures. I already have the 42nd, although these are Warrior Miniatures, so I am planning to use the Hintons as a 'half' battalion, as I have already done with my Royal Welsh Fusiliers, although with these I have since got the other half with Clayton castings, which I must say are beautiful castings. The Hintons will eventually become the Gordons, but they are on the long finger at the moment as I have only just got back to painting after 4 months due to illness. I have just completed some varnishing today on the French line battalion I was working on back then. I hope to have this finished by Christmas, God willing, and I will email you a picture when done. It only has the grenadier company and C.O. who will be from SHQ, but apart from this one 'foreigner', the rest are all vintage Hinton Hunt.

  5. Michael - sounds great, I look forward to seeing the pics!

  6. Nice work on the tartan paint job! Do I detect ginger hair on the test figure?

  7. Ginger? Of course! Actually foundry tan!!!

  8. Lovely job, look forward to seeing the progress of this unit.


  9. I have a spare Kriegspieler regimental colour and some charging highlanders, as well as a HH piper, officers and some kneeling figures, if anyone is interested?

  10. Archduke - did DK do a cast flag for the Highlanders then?

  11. Yes Ian, DK did do flags. Check the email msg 'More Pics'.


  12. They did. Sadly I don't have the technology to send a picture. They are similar to the HH British ensign but with the colour inclined forwards.

  13. Don/Archduke - thanks for that!

  14. A thing of beauty indeed (the figure, not your knees!). The tartan is very convincing - I will be shamelessly copying, whenever I finally get to the Highland battalions.

  15. Matt - I very much look forward to seeing your own highland battalion!

  16. Maybe the reason that you have only worn a kilt once is that your top half is the half that is Scottish?
