
Tuesday 2 April 2013

9th legere – progress update

You’ve probably been wondering what progress I’ve been making with the 9th legere. Well, the answer is not a lot. Looking back I see my last post on them was 16th February and since that time I have hardly picked up a paint brush at all.

 FN/254 French Voltigeur in plumed shako (charging) - painted this time as a chasseur.

What hobby time I have had over the last month has largely been taken up with playing the ACW campaign but I did manage to sneak in a couple of short Hinton Hunt painting sessions a week or so back. This now puts me in sight of the finishing line in terms of completing this unit, with the last batch of chasseurs half painted and only the command group still waiting untouched.

Half completed chasseurs to the front, completed carabineers and voltigeurs behind them and the unpainted command group hiding away in the rear.

One of the things that makes wargaming such a great hobby is the many different facets to it - painting, modelling, researching, planning, collecting, rule writing, blogging and of course playing games. Most of my time generally seems to be spent painting but it’s also nice to get to play a game once in a while.


  1. Yes, the numerous facets of the wargaming hobby give it life and enable one to keep going, with one thing or another, during those inevitable dry spells. By the way, your light infantry are coming along well. Those old castings are nice enough, but your painting style really brings them to life.

    Best Regards,


  2. And great they look.! When I have finished basing up a 28mm army for a friend to use at a Chalons refight I will start on basing the Russkies, then we march to Bath.

  3. Stokes - thanks for that.

    Roy - maybe I'll start on the Old Guard next then!

  4. I have the Pavlovskis ready to match big hats with them!

  5. Roy - glad I wrote the rules then!

  6. I do like your Legere! this reminds me that I've got a couple of battalions of them to paint.

  7. Ah yes Ian, what are Cossacks based to in your Muskets and Marshals ( available from all good blogs) ?

    Also, how would they operate? Real life Cossacks really cannot take on even Hussars or Chevaux Legers frontally, but are highly manoeuvre able and can cause problems from flank or rear.

  8. Roy - as it's you I'll come up with a special rule for them. I suggest you base them individually but still conforming to the usual cavalry frontage...

  9. I love the "air guitar" pose! The Old Guard would match them well...

  10. Matt - I hadn't noticed that about the pose, now I can't see him any other way!

  11. They look great Ian.

    Air guitar pose! That is gold Matt!!!
