
Tuesday 1 January 2013

Muskets & Marshals (version 4)

Following the recent play test and rule revisions, I finally got around to finishing version 4 of my Napoleonic rules Muskets & Marshals. These rules have been written specifically for use with my Hinton Hunt armies with the idea of producing a fun game that’s quick to play. I’m not totally happy with the finished result (more like 90% happy) but I thought it was time I made the rules available because I know quite a few of you would like to see them.

In addition to the full rule set I have also produced a sheet of order markers and one of morale markers for use with the game.

For Muskets & Marshals (updated to 5.1) click here
For the Morale Markers click here

As the rules have been written for my own use there will undoubtedly be bits of missing or unclear explanation so please feel free to contact me with any questions (an email link is available via my profile). I’d also be very grateful for any feedback or suggestions from those of you who decide to try them out on the tabletop.


  1. I'll be giving these a read through for sure! Thanks for sharing and have a great New Year.

    All the best,


  2. Hi
    Thanks for your late Christmasts present!

  3. I do not know anyone who is completely hapy with ANY set of rules...we always need to tinker with them (even if it is to cover one-off historical events we read about) to get the "perfect set". 90% happiness is good by any standard! Enjoy your work and remember that Napoleon himself recognised lucky generals!

  4. Been having problems gaming Napoleonics , so will read these with interest .

  5. Thanks for posting these Ian. It's always good to see the approach used by others. We generally find something in a set of rules that we'd like to consider for our own, preferred set.

  6. Hi IAN
    Looking at your M&M Napoleonic Rules and down loaded them to print out later for a proper hard copy read- they look really good and thorough-well done and thankyou for Posting. Regards. KEV.
