
Sunday 4 November 2012

Poles on Parade

In the Hinton Hunt catalogue Marcus Hinton wrote:

The Polish troops of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw were amongst the staunchest allies of France. They fought with traditional Polish dash and courage and in the knowledge that Napoleon was the best hope for a free Poland. The army of the Grand Duchy saw much hard fighting standing shoulder to shoulder with the French and added more than a touch of glamour to the scene in their square topped “Lancer Caps”.

Well Marcus Hinton obviously loved sculpting these figures and I’ve loved painting them too, see what you think...

The 8th Polish Regiment leave a Chateau in column of march.

They stop and deploy into column of attack.

Next they deploy into line.

What a fine looking body of men!

They are joined by the 1st Chevau-Legers-Lanciers of the Guard...

...and a very proud Marshal Poniatowski!

Time to put the pot of “Shadow Pink” away then, because my Polish contingent is now complete.


  1. Really very good - a pleasure to see them. I hadn't realised the voltigeurs were different figures - excellent.

  2. Thanks Tony - they may well be in action soon!

  3. Great paint job. I agree with Tony I also did not notice that the light were different figures.
    Very nice Unit...and quite unusual colour for the uniforms, but I think this is what people fascinates with the french army.

  4. I must say they are one of the finest looking units in your collection. Excellent work.

  5. They look. Great, particularly the drummer.
    Are you going for two units to make a brigade?


  6. Hi Ian
    A nice little unit & well painted, the converted figures fit in perfectly


  7. Been some time in coming Ian but well worth the wait! A cracking little unit. Do you plan a 20mm game for the future? Be good to see them all out on the table once again with the new additions.


  8. Roy - I do still have half a pot of "shadow pink" left so who knows!

    Lee - actually I'm planning a play-test of my rules with Dave soon with all the figures so watch this space...

  9. Ian, can you think up some rules for Cossacks? One day those Russian drummers will arrive and then I can base up the army and drive down the A46!


  10. Roy, with luck I will have a play-test with Dave next week and after that will make the final rule tweak. I will try to think of something suitable for the Cossacks (actually the thought of Cossacks driving down the A46 has already got me worried!)...
