
Friday 12 October 2012

Polish Grenadiers

As you can see, I have finished the Grenadier Company of the 8th Polish Regiment. Well, almost finished because I still have to paint the bases.

The company consists of 5 x WN.4 Grenadier, charging with 1 x WN.6 Officer, marching. I had my usual struggle with the varnish and they came out a bit more on the shiny side than I had intended, but then I like shiny, shiny is good.

Just eight more Fusiliers to paint up and the Regiment will be ready for parade.


  1. Very smart chaps indeed - I really wish I could get that quality of finish on my Hintons - you make a lovely job of picking out detail that I can't even see on the castings!

    Excellent - looking forward to seeing the finished unit.

  2. Very nice - classic figures of a great unit. Best, Dean

  3. Thanks for the comments chaps.

    Tony - I think I am lucky that the Hintons really suit my style of painting. The key is deciding what detail to pick out, what to ignore and what to make up!

  4. What to make up brings back memories. Years agoI I remember a conversation about detailing on Hh I was reluctant to paint on thins that were not part of the original figure. We were talking about grenadiers and light companies who need wings or epaulettes. Eventually I tried putting them on with thick acrylic paint and they looked OK and that removed my inhibition about converting with a paint job. Indeed, in those early days with say an Alberken figure there was so little detail on the miniature that you had to paint it on and at this scale it looks fine.
    Re HH painting, there are a couple of weird conventions. One is painting brass rings on gun barrels when nearly all were steel, another is giving brass gaiter and overall buttons when the vast majority were bone or cloth covered and would not be visible at our scale. The brass does look good though.

  5. Roy - I'm glad you said that about brass rings on gun barrels because I thought I was the only person painting them steel! Painting Alberken would be beyond my talents because I have to have at least some detail to work from...

  6. How did I miss this post? Excellent!
