
Saturday 15 September 2012

Flag Pole Finished

I’ve just finished off my Polish standard bearer by adding a Revo paper flag. I like to use the Revo flags where Hinton Hunt cast-on ones are not available because they fit in nicely with the retro theme of this project. The flag sheet I have does actually have a flag for the 8th Polish Regiment but it looked a bit small to me so I used this one instead.

If you remember, this figure is converted from WN.10 Officer charging – I have also finished the other officer and drummer that complete the regimental command group and am now working on the Grenadier company.

I’ve enjoyed converting and painting this figure but I really do need to get back into production mode and get the whole regiment finished off. The painting table is now clear of all other bits and pieces so let’s see what I can do.


  1. Ian - he really looks very good indeed - I swear his moustache is bristling!

    Nice, natural job on the conversion too.

    Looking forward to seeing the full complement


  2. Excellent work Ian... I am still awaiting key components of my Russians. They must be marching from Siberia!

  3. Roy, I was beginning to think that the Russians had bottled out (or just found a bottle!). No problem as it gives me an outside chance to complete the Poles before our forces meet.

  4. That's a lovely figure Ian, with a fine paint job. Close study reveals some very skilled brushwork there, especially the lining etc, it's very neatly done. This should be a stunning unit once completed.


  5. Hi Lee, that's kind words about the painting. The figures aren't all that good in close up but I do think that the finished unit will look very smart at a distance and I have enjoyed painting them which is the main thing!

  6. Ian, you are being too modest! The 20mm HH figures require a deft touch to bring out the best of them, 'modern' style 28mm brushwork would not work on them I believe, it would kill them. Your paint job is spot on, just as they should be. It's what gives your collection so much appeal.

