
Saturday 28 February 2009

Rebel Rabble (Off Topic #8)

I have been distracted for the last few days into painting this small Confederate brigade for Fire & Fury. You may recall that I am slowly (very, very slowly) assembling enough forces for an ACW scenario based on the fight for Henry House hill. I already have most of the Union forces and Henry House itself but no hill and only a handful of Rebels.

The figures are the superb 15mm ones produced by AB Figures although I began this project so long ago I actually bought them from Polly Oliver (whatever happened to the lovely Polly Oliver AWI range?). My technique is pretty basic using black undercoat and block colours in much the same way as I paint the Hintons. I’ve never really got to grips with shading on 15mm figures, in fact I’ve never really got to grips with shading at all but I have introduced a bit of wash over the flesh on these lads as it’s an easy and effective way of bringing out the detail.

Being a dyed-in-the-wool Union man I’ve painted hundreds of the boys in blue over the years but very few of these butternut and grey types. I have to say I actually quite enjoyed doing them although I would never dream of commanding such a rabble in a tabletop battle.


  1. There's something of an ACW flavour round the various blogs at the moment! ;o) Nice painting - if you need more figures or a change I recommend wholeheartedly and without reservation the the Peter Pig figures....

  2. They look very nice indeed. (This is spooky because last night I painted two 20mm Iron Brigade figures when I got distracted while tidying up my painting desk!).
    Fire & Fury, arguably my favourite rule set. Not perfect by any means, but very elegant.


  3. Last i heard (probably on TMP) was that Polly's son still had the AWI moulds but wasn't interested in putting them into production. You would think that someone would try to buy them from him...maybe he's not selling...?

  4. That's a shame, they really were great figures...
