
Sunday 20 August 2017

Battle for the road

Yesterday Tony and Goya came over and we had small game of Muskets & Marshals. As this was the first time Goya had played the rules I thought it best to keep things fairly simple so the terrain was very basic with just a few small hills.

The scenario was also basic, the British were defending a vital road and the French were trying to dislodge them. Tony played the emperor and Goya the Duke of Wellington. I umpired and fed in reserves to each side as and when I felt they were required. Here are the highlights:

"DeLancy, we must hold this vital road and stop Boney in his tracks!"
"Ney, we must take that vital road and knock old hook-nose back to Brussels!"
The French form up in columns and prepare to advance.
In a bold move Tony takes a chance and charges the Cambridgeshires with his lancers. Alten calmly orders them into square and a volley or two sees the Frenchmen off.
Reserves arrive on Wellington's left flank - the Blues & Greys, tough A+ grade troopers.
A view of the table at the end of turn 3. The French are starting to advance although the troops on both sides are still a bit thin on the ground.
The Carabineers and a battery of Guard horse artillery arrive and take up position on a hill dominating the French left flank.
The Nassau Grenadiers were subjected to a continual barrage from two French foot batteries to their front. They stood bravely all day against this fire (perhaps helped by Tony's inability to roll over 3 on a D6).
"Vive le emperor!"
Tony, Goya and myself are all old enough to remember when wargaming was in black and white.
The Swiss and Poles charge home against the Black Watch. The Swiss have taken a lot of casualties (again!) and poor old Picton is down (again!).
The Carabineers get stuck into the British light cavalry, however those hussars on the hill (from Goya's collection) are about to pounce and turn the tables.
Tony assembled a host of cavalry on the right flank but was nervous about charging the solitary unit of Blues & Greys opposite because "they looked hard".
More British reinforcements are arriving (including the naval battalion) but it may be too little too late.
As the Highlanders rout Wellington throws in his reserve heavy cavalry who successfully smash the French columns responsible.
On the other flank though, the Cambridgeshires are routed and...
... so are the Blues & Greys! The road is in French hands, game over.
"Och aye Jimmy it was a near run thing - you tak' the high road and I'll tak' the low one..."

It was great to finally get the Hinton Hunts onto the table again and to give Muskets & Marshals another run out. I think Tony and Goya enjoyed the game and I certainly enjoyed being the umpire so my thanks to them for humouring me.

Friday 18 August 2017

Legere time

These six French Voltigeurs are part of my current effort to upgrade all my old 18 figure skirmish units to full 24 figure units. They are destined to join the ranks of the 10th legere (click here) once they have been issued with blue coats and breeches.

I’ve enjoyed painting these as they have a very colourful uniform with their “short tailed coats, waistcoats, knee breeches and short tasselled gaiters” as per the Hinton Hunt catalogue description. How can you not like yellow over red plumes and yellow tasselled gaiters?

Technically I think this uniform is for the elite company of a light infantry battalion but I’m happy to field these as a complete unit in my French army. This is another unit that has lacked table time due to its current basing as skirmishers so hopefully they’ll be making more of an appearance in future.

Monday 7 August 2017

Old Guard test card

Due to an unexpected burst of enthusiasm for my Boer War project nothing much Hinton Huntish has happened for the last couple of weeks. I did however stumble across this photo taken during the run up to Vintage Waterloo which for some reason I don't think ever made it onto the blog.

It shows the entire infantry of the Guard deploying near La Belle Alliance at the start of the test game. There are 10 battalions, all Hinton Hunt, and what a fine sight they made. The unit nearest the camera in the back row are my very own 2nd Regiment de Grenadiers-a-Pied de la Garde Imperiale. All the other units are from Roy’s collection including the rather nice wagon with Cantinière.

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.